1) The coat doesn't fit me any more. It's ....(tight). a) too tight b) tight enough 2) I can't see anything here. It's ... (dark). Can you turn on the light? a) too dark b) dark enough 3) I rarely visit my parents. I haven't got ... (time). a) time enough b) enough time 4) Pam and Andy don't like this cafe. It's ... (crowded). a) too crowded b) crowded enough 5) Jack can't play basketball well. He isn't ... (tall). a) too tall b) tall enough 6) You can't sit anywhere in this room. It's ... (messy) a) too messy b) messy enough 7) Fiona can't go to an exotic place on holiday. She hasn't got ... (money). a) money enough b) enough money 8) Rob can't buy the camera. It's ... (expensive). a) too expensive b) expensive enough 9) Sally can't make a chocolate cake. She hasn't ... (chocolate). a) enough chocolate b) chocolate enough 10) Liam isn't ... (fast). He won't win the race. a) too fast b) fast enough

Too / Enough.


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