What things had you heard about foreign countries when you were a child that you learnt were wrong when you grew up?, What were you doing the last time you got a phone call?, Who cooked last night's dinner in your family?, What countries had you wanted to visit as a child but visited as an adult?, Did you like the last movie you saw?, What were you doing the last time you got a phone call?, What had been your hobbies before you turned 18?, What did you last thank someone for?, Before you left high school, what had been your dream job?, When was the last time you shopped? Where did you shop?, Before you moved out of home, what had been your thoughts about living alone?, What were you doing 5 minutes before this lesson started?, Did you exercise yesterday? For how long did you exercise?, What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday evening?, What interesting countries and cities had you travelled to before you became an adult?, Where were your parents working when you started school?, What interesting topic did you talk about recently?, Where were your parents living when you were born?, What languages had you wanted to learn before you started learning English?, What were you thinking about on the way to this lesson?, Which games or sports did you play this month?.
past tenses - speaking
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