What kind of coffee do you prefer: розчинну, мелену чи зернову? - instant coffee / ground coffee / grain coffee, Do you prefer bottled or розливне beer? - draught beer, Can you make a homemade pizza or you buy на винос? - takeaway pizza, How do you like your meat: слабкої, середньої чи сильної прожарки? - rare / medium / well done, Do you prefer beef, chicken or свинину? - pork, Can you eat сиру fish? - raw, Do you always follow a рецепт while cooking? - recipe, Can you спекти a cake? - bake, Can you запекти a turkey in American style? - roast, Do you prefer солодкі чи кислі apples? - sweet / sour, Can you eat very гостру їжу? - spicy food, What do you prefer: лосось or тунець? - salmon / tuna, Do you think хрумкий bread is unhealthy? - crunchy/crispy, Can you drink very гіркі beverages (напої)? - bitter, Can you eat листя салату separately? - lettuсe, Do you usually add a lot of перець in your dishes? - pepper, Do you eat a lot of малина and полуниця in summer? - raspberry / strawberry,

Replace the Ukrainian words with English words. + discuss the Qs


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