anecdote - a short account of an incident in someone's life, consolidate - to combine, unite; to make solid or firm, counterfeit - an imitation designed to deceive; not genuine, fake; to make an illegal copy, docile - easily taught, led, or managed; obedient, dominate - to rule over by strength or power, control; to tower over, command due to height, entreat - to bed, implore, ask earnestly, fallible - capable of being wrong, mistaken, or inaccurate, fickle - liable to change very rapidly, erratic; marked by a lack of constancy or steadiness, fugitive - one who flees or runs away; fleeting, lasting a short time; wandering; difficult to grasp, grimy - very dirty, covered with dirt or soot, iota - a very small part or quantity, maul - to beat or knock about, handle roughly; to mangle; a heavy hammer, potential - possible, able to happen; something that can develop or become a reality, radiant - shining, bright; giving forth light or energy, rural - relating to farm areas and life in the country, substantial - large, important; major, significant; prosperous; not imaginary, material, tactful - skilled in handling difficult situations or people, polite, tamper - to interfere with; to handle in a secret and improper way, ultimate - last, final; most important or extreme; eventual; basic, fundamental, uncertainty - doubt, the state of being unsure,
Vocabulary Workshop Level B Unit 5 Definitions
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