Where is the best place for a date ?, Do you like spending money ? What was your last buy?, Have you ever been late for work?, Do you have any bad habits ? Which ?, Do you like expensive things ? What is your the most expensive thing?, Did you get stuck in the lift ? How did you feel ?, Would you like to be a polyglot ? What for ?, What character traits should your friend have ?, Do you like having a BBQ with friends? What do you usually talk about ?, Do you have any enemies ?, Do you like art ? What kind of ? , Have you got any phobias ? , Do you like taking selfies ?, What can't you live without ?, Could you live without internet about a year?, How much money would you like to earn in the future ?, How important is it to have a good sense of humour?, What is happiness for you? Are you a happy person?, What are the stereotypes of men and women? Do gender stereotypes annoy you?, Do you think that some people can predict the future? Do you know them ?, Is beauty important for life? , What rude behavior do you see in public every day?, What should you do not to lose your friends?, Do you avoid any food or drinks for health reasons?, Can you judge someone by clothes?, How do you deal with conflicts?.
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