1) What number is shown in the place value table?  a) 11 b) 12 c) 25 d) 7 2) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 34 b) 44 c) 24 d) 404 3) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 53 b) 30 c) 25 d) 35 4) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 25 b) 15 c) 51 d) 52 5) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 99 b) 89 c) 97 d) 98 6) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 72 b) 73 c) 27 d) 26 7) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 67 b) 77 c) 66 d) 76 8) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 52 b) 05 c) 50 d) 60 9) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 68 b) 89 c) 86 d) 66 10) What number is shown in the place value table? a) 68 b) 86 c) 88 d) 66

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