setting - arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted, character - one of the people or animals in the story, character traits - words that describe character's personality or qualities that make them who they are, plot - the series of events that make up a story including the setting, conflict, and resolution, conflict - a struggle between opposing forces, resolution - the solution to the problem, dialogue - the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction, narrator - a person who is telling the story, first person - A story where the narrator is a character. The narrator will use the word "I", third person - A story where the narrator is an outsider. The narrator will not use the word "I", theme - the message or the big idea of a story, stage directions - directions written into the script of a play, telling the actors what to do or what is changing on the stage., drama - a story written to be performed by actors,
Drama Flash Cards - SCUC
2nd Grade
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