impression - an opinion about someone or something you have seen but don't know very well, acknowledge - to take notice of or reply to, open-ended questions - begin with the words who, what, when, where, why, and how. They cannot be answered with "yes" or "no", closed-ended questions - usually begin with words like will, can, are, do, and can be answered with a short yes or no, product features - things like color, size, flavor, scent. They answer the question "What?", product and service benefits - the advantages that make a certain product or service a good choice for the consumer. They answer the question "Why?", active listening - you are hearing and understanding what a speaker is saying out loud and any messages suggested behind the words, upselling - occurs when there is an extra value to be explained, or when a customer has shared information about a benefit they desire that is not included in the original product they intended to buy, cross-selling - recommending additional products that complement a customer's purchase, such as operational necessities like batteries, loyalty programs - marketing programs that provide incentives or rewards to repeat customers, total transactions - the number of transactions processed. This does not account for dollar value or total number of items sold, units per transaction - the total number of items within each transaction, average sale - Total $ amount of all sales / Total number of transactions, sales per hour - Total sales dollars / Total hours worked, KPI (key performance indicators) - values used to measure performace such as overall sales and average customer spend,
2.2 Sales Basics
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