●Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults?, ●What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair blue, green, or another crazy colour? What type of punishment do their parents use?, ●How do you feel about swearing?, ●Does it matter if teenagers sometimes use bad language? , ●Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom? (example: come home when you like,friend, money) , ●What is the most important thing a parent can do for a teenager? , ●Why do you think some teenagers do good things and others (in the same family often) do bad things?, ●Do you think that advertising plays an important role in how teenagers think? , ●What is it like to be a teenager in your society?, ●Would you rather be a child, teenager or an adult? Why? , ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a child, a teenager and an adult? , ●At what age should teenagers be allowed to leave school/ to smoke/ to drink/ to drive/ to get married? , ●What do teenagers think about?(world, people, friends), ●Can teens change the world? If yes, how? If not, why not? , ●What's the difference between teenage girls and teenage boys? What causes those differences? , ●As a teenager, how do you think fashion changed or affected your life? , ●How much freedom should parents give to their teenagers?, ●What do you think is the greatest problems facing the teenagers of today?, ●How does media affect the thinking patterns of the teenagers of today?, ●If you could do something differently, which mistake in the past would you not do and why?, ● As a teenager, what do you think you can contribute to society?.
Teenagers Speaking
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