preventable loss - a cost caused by deliberate or unintentional human actions, shoplifting - taking an item from a store without paying for it, loitering - when someone stays in the store for a long period of time, electronic article surveillance (EAS) - devices embedded in tags that are attached, sewn in, or inserted into packaging by the manufactuerer or store employee. They are usually deactivated by cashiers at the POS. If not, they can set off an alarm at the store exit., non-electronic ink tags - these devices are specifically intended to be attached to clithing in order to prevent theft, and require a special tool to remove, display or fixture locks - these devices are used primarily to prevent the theft of high-priced items, particularly small ones, switch fraud - when a customer purchases a new item and then returns an old, damaged, similar item using the new item's receipt, receipt fraud - using a discarded receipt to return old items past the return date, identity fraud - when thieves use someone else's stolen personal info to purchase merchandise (usually online), return fraud - when dishonest customers order merchandise online and then falsely claim that they did not receive it, and then gets a return of the payment, package switching - when a thief takes a lower-priced item out of a package and replaces it with a higher-priced item., wardrobing or renting - buying clothing, wearing it with the tag on, then returning it, automated fraud - cybercriminals either steal credit card info or create programs to test randomly generated card numbers, sweethearting - giving products away by passing them at the POS without actually scanning them correctly; usually done for family, friends, or other employees, vandalism - the deliberate act of damaging or destroying company property, operational errors - paperwork, systems, administrative, or clerical errors, such as mislabeling, incorrect markdowns, and accounting errors,
3.2 Loss Prevention
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