Are you working or studying at the moment?, What do you enjoy most about the place where you're living now?, You said you're from X. What's the most interesting place for visitors to see there?, How difficult would it be for you to move away from the area you're living in now?, What, for you, is the most interesting aspect of learning English?, How much time do you spend travelling every day?, Do you think it's easy for people to find a good job nowadays?, In the future, do you see yourself living in your own country, or somewhere abroad?, Do you tend to get nervous, and if so, in what circumstances?, Do fashions in music change rapidly in your country?, Do you think your personality has changed over the years?, What countries or other parts of your country have you travelled to?, Is it common for people to leave the place you come from?, Can you tell us something about housing in your area?, How good are you at organising your time?, How important is the internet to you?, With more shopping being done over the internet, what future is there for ordinary stores?.
CPE - Speaking - Part 1
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