Why do todays teenagers use the Internet so much: Teens can watch films and the latest videos., Teens can play games, listen to music, keep in touch with friends - all in one place. , The Internet is a perfect platform where teens can make new friends., Teenagers can get all kinds of advice and support. , It's a great resource to discover something new. , It's a good platform to do some school research. , How does the Internet make long-distance communication easier?: The Internet offers a great number of ways to communicate through messages, networks and emails., The Internet gives a chance not only to hear but to see each other by using such platforms like Skype and Zoom., Emails and instant messages are very convenient ways to keep in touch with friends and family., What dangers can teenagers face by using the Internet?: They can suffer from cyber bulling (nasty or agressive messages)., They can lose their personal information., Teenagers can post something that can embarass them later., Teenagers can meet with strangers., They can waste their time by playing games and browsing the net.. , What educational opportunities does the Internet offer to people?: The Internet allows people to attend public libraries all over the world., People can take online courses and get new skills., Educational online platforms such as Coursera or Geek Brains give people a chance to get new qualifications and jobs., By using the Net, students have a chance to take part in olympiads, webinars, lectures.,
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