True: It is illegal in some Indian states to eat cows, The majority of marriages are arranged, There are several temples dedicated to thousands of rats, India was once the largest island on earth, McDonald's in India is an all vegetarian menu, India is the largest democracy in the world, They drive on the left side of the road, India has there own space program, Naan is a type of Indian bread, India has a village with no locks and doors that hasn't had a crime in 400 years, India has 26 official holidays, There is a tribe in Indian that remains untouched from the rest of the world, they have never seen technology, They have 70% of the world's spices, Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired to peacefully protest by Gandhi, It is illegal to take Indian money out of India, False: India has the largest population of frogs on earth, There are over 1,000 languages spoken, India was controlled by Australia for much of its history, This is the flag of India, Chopsticks are used to eat , The Taj Mahal was bombed during WWII, Bathing in Indian rivers is considered bad luck, The elephant is the god of war in hinduism, India is one of the dryest places on earth, India was allied with Germany in WWII, The national beverage is coffee, India has the highest divorce rate in the world, They have the largest english speaking population in the world, The Taj Mahal was built as a fortress for the Indian army, The Indian army has battle tigers,
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