Staccato - play detached; separately with quick bow, 0 - play on open string, mf - mezzo forte/moderately strong, mp - mezzo piano/moderately soft, pizz. - pluck the strings, arco - back to bow, gradually become stronger, fermata; pause on the note, down bow, up bow, treble clef, half note, quarter note, eighth note, dotted half note; 3 quarter note beats, whole note; 4 quarter note beats, eighth rest, quarter rest, half rest, whole rest, there are 4 beats in a measure; quarter note gets 1 beat, cut time; there are 2 beats in a measure and half note gets 1 beat, diminuendo; gradually become softer, repeat , accent sign, the curve line is - slur, the curve line means - tied notes, Fine - The end, D.C. al Fine - Go back to beginning and play until "Fine", cantabile - singing-like,

Suzuki Book 1 Musical terms

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