The best thing you did for someone else this year, The best place you visited this year, The best lesson you learnt this year, Your favourite song this year, The day that you would like to live through again, The most difficult thing about this year, Your favourite book this year, Your favourite café/restaurant this year, Your favourite food this year, What accomplishments are you proud of when you think about this year?, Something you didn’t like about this year, Your favourite series this year, What will you miss about this year?, Describe this year in 3 words, Will your family get any presents?, Was 2024 good or bad to you?, Any hopes for 2025?, How are you going to celebrate New Year? , Are you going to celebrate Christmas? , The most challenging task this year, The biggest change happened this year, What is the most important goal you achieved this year?, What is the first word or thought that comes to mind when you think of the past year?, What character trait did you develop most over the past year?.
New Year Talk (this)
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