1) What is the purpose of this text? a) Instruct b) Describe c) Persuade d) Inform e) Advise 2) What is the purpose of this text? a) Advise b) Instruct c) Inform d) Describe e) Persuade 3) What is the purpose of this text? a) Describe b) Persuade c) Advise d) Inform e) Instruct 4) What is the purpose of this text? a) Describe b) Inform c) Instruct d) Persuade e) Advise 5) What is the purpose of this text? a) Instruct b) Describe c) Advise d) Inform e) Persuade 6) What is the purpose of this text? a) Describe b) Advise c) Inform d) Instruct e) Persuade 7) What is the purpose of this text? a) Inform b) Persuade c) Describe d) Instruct e) Advise 8) What is the purpose of this text? a) Advise b) Instruct c) Describe d) Inform e) Persuade 9) What is the purpose of this text? a) Inform b) Instruct c) Advise d) Persuade e) Describe 10) What is the purpose of this text? a) Instruct b) Advise c) Inform d) Describe e) Entertain

Functional Skills Purposes of Texts


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