1) What positive trait does the habit of saying Brachot teach us? a) To be happy b) To be healthy c) To be Thankful 2) What do we acknowledge when we say a Bracha? a) That Hashem is the Best b) That Hashem Gave what we are saying the Bracha on to us c) That we are praising Hashem 3) What does "Baruch Ata Hashem" mean? a) Blessed are you our g-d b) You are so smart o L-rd c) Thanks, Hashem 4) What does "Melech ha olam" mean? a) The king of the ground b) The king of the water c) The king of the earth 5) What does "Asher kidishanoo Bimitzvotav Vitzivanoo" mean? a) That he made us smart with his Mitzvahs and commanded us b) That he made us holy with his Mitzvahs and blessed us c) That he made us holy with his Mitzvahs and commanded us 6) Where do all the ingredients come from? a) The ground b) Humans c) Hashem 7) How is a mezuzah like a flag? a) It represents that a Jew lives there b) That a Non-Jew lives there c) That there's a Pizza party 8) Who writes a Mezuzah? a) A rabbi b) Hashem c) A Jewish scribe


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