When was the last time you lied?, When was the last time you cried?, What's your biggest fear?, What's your biggest fantasy?, Do you have any fetishes?, What's something you're glad your mum doesn't know about you?, Have you ever cheated on someone?, What's the worst thing you've ever done?, What's a secret you've never told anyone?, Do you have a hidden talent?, Who was your first celebrity crush?, What are your thoughts on polyamory?, What's the worst intimate experience you've ever had?, Have you ever cheated in an exam?, What's the most drunk you've ever been?, Have you ever broken the law?, What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done? , What's your biggest insecurity?, What's the biggest mistake you've ever made?, Who would you like to kiss in this room?, What's the worst thing anyone's ever done to you?, Have you ever had a run in with the law?, What's your worst habit?, What's the worst thing you've ever said to anyone?, Have you ever peed in the shower?, What's the strangest dream you've had?, Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn't have?, What's the worst date you've been on?, What's your biggest regret?, What's the biggest misconception about you?, Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?, Why did your last relationship break down?, Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?, What's the most trouble you've been in?.
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