1) It's a fruit. It's long and yellow. Monkeys like it. a) It's a banana. b) It's an orange. c) It's an apple. 2) It's very small and green, it's not a bean. a) It's a tomato b) It's a pea c) It's a carrot 3) It's yellow. You can make a great drink from it. a) It's an orange. b) It's a watermelon. c) It's a lemon. 4) It's a fruit and a colour. You can make fruit juice from it. a) It's an orange. b) It's a kiwi. c) It's a lime. 5) It's red and round. We put it on pizza. a) It's an onion. b) It's a tomato. c) It's a pear. 6) It's long and orange. Horses love it. a) It's a tomato. b) It's a lemon. c) It's a carrot.

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