1) I am _________ a letter. a) writing b) writeing c) write 2) We are __________ some sweets. a) eatting b) eating c) eatiing 3) I love ___________ at a party! a) dance b) dancing c) danceing 4) I enjoy _________ on the sofa. a) siting b) sit c) sitting 5) I don't like _______________ in the sea. a) swiming b) swim c) swimming 6) She doesn't like __________ her homework. a) doing b) doeing c) do 7) You like __________ on the ice. a) skateing  b) skatting c) skating 8) He enjoys _________ a) canoeing b) canoing c) canoe 9) My friends love ___________ a) to travelling b) travelling c) traveling 10) His dog really likes _________ in the river. a) swimming b) swiming c) swim 11) The children don't mind _____________ a) fenceing b) fencing c) fenccing 12) we hate _____________ Geography. a) studing b) studyng c) studying 13) my brother John likes ______________ rap music. a) listen to b) listening to c) to listening to 14) I really don't like _________ my bed. a) makking b) makeing c) making 15) You love _____________ with your friends. a) hang out b) hanging out c) hang outing


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