Viscosity - The measurements of the thickness or thinness of a liquid that affects how the fluid flows., True Acid Waves - Have a pH between 4.5-7.0 and require heat to process:, Thi-free waves - Perm that uses an ingredient other than ATG as the primary reducing agent, such as cysteamine or mercaptamine, Thio-Relaxers - Use the same ammonium thioglycolate (ATG) that is used in permanent waving, but a higher concentration and a higher pH (above 10), Thioglycolic Acids - The most common reducing agent in permanent wave solution., Side Bonds - Disulfide, Salt, and hydrogen bonds that cross-link polypeptide chains togeher., Peptide Bonds - Also known as end bonds; Chemical bonds that join amino acids together, ento-to-end in long chains, to form peptide chains. , No-Base Relaxers - Telaxers taht do not require application of a protective base cream., Keratin Proteins - Long, coiled polypeptide chains, Hydrogen Bonds - Weak, physical side bonds that are also the result of an attraction between opposite electrical charges:, Normalizing Lotions - Conditioners with an acidic pH that restore the hair's natural pH before the final neutralizing shampoo., End Papers - Also known as end wraps: absorbent papers used to control the ends of the hair when wrapping and winding hair on perm rods. , Disulfide Bonds - Strong chemical side bonds form when the sulfur atoms in two adjacent protein chains are joined together., Endothermic waves - Perm activated by an outside hear source, usually a conventional hood type hairdryer., Exothermic waves - Create an exothermic chemical reaction that heats up the waving solution and speeds up processing.,
Chapter 20 Chemical Texture Services
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