True: Writing a poem, Yoga, Close your eyes and relax, Slowly count to ten, Tell yourself "I can do this", Think of a pet you love, Go for a short jog, Write in a journal, Dance, Look at a picture you really enjoy, Put a puzzle together, Play an instrument, Chew gum, Draw, Smile in a mirror, Laugh, Look at baby animal pictures, Schedule time for yourself, Do school work, Plan a fun trip, False: Screaming at someone, Throwing things at a wall, Play video games and call someone names, Threaten others, Throw rocks at windows, Try and hurt yourself, Run away, Lash out to a teacher, Lie to someone you care about, Whine a lot , refuse to go to bed, Be mean to animals, Bite your nails, Pick at your skin, Skip school, Have bad thoughts, Watch a violent movie, Binge eat, cheat on tests, Bully someone,
Coping Skills
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