Fantasy - Not real, Setting - Where the story takes place, Problem - Conflict, Resolution - Solution, Magic - Special power, Dragon - Magical character, mysterious book - What did the girl notice on the shelf?, grandmother - Who gave the teacher the book?, borrow the book - What did the teacher allow the girl to do?, blue bears visit - What was her name for the first story?, the secret - What did the man tell the ox?, are we there yet - What did the rabbit ask?, accordian - What instrument did the clown have?, secret password - What did the group give the owl?, vanilla and raspberry - What flavors were in the cake?, magician - What was the man?, whales - What did the bubbles turn into?, golden key - What did the owl hold in his beak?, words to the book - What was the fox holding?, stories - What did the little girl have to tell the teacher?,

Fantasy/ The Whisper


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