Mental health nurse - they specialize in mental health work in a range of settings., Party Planner - Works with clients to design and implement private parties., mental health counselor - Helps someone with problems usually works at private practice, community agencies, hospitals, other career counseling, marriage issues, substance abuse , Human-Services Career Cluster - prepares you for jobs that relate to families and human needs. Whether you want to be a social worker, a childcare provider or a hairdresser, you will be addressing human needs, Cosmetology - profession of applying or enhancing beauty to an individual, Social Media Marketing - online interaction with social media platforms, Psychology - scientific study of the human mind and how it functions, Rehabilitation - A program for reforming the offender to prevent later offenses, Before/After School Programs - groups centered around aiding parents and students in guidance and support, Geriatric Counselors - care managers for older adults, helping to facilitate family support, provide direct care, and coordinate care from professional systems, according to the Geriatric Social Work Initiative (GSWI)., Mortician - hair and make up stylist for deceased individuals; used to create a respectable presentation for a funeral , social workers (SWs) - also called sociologists, case managers or counselors; aid people who have difficulty coping with various problems by helping them aid people who have difficulty coping with various problems by helping them, Child Care Teachers and Directors - directors supervise and lead their staffs, design program plans, oversee daily activities,, Community Service Director - Professional who oversees an organization's mission, goals, and programs, Home Care Aide (HCA) - Home care is provided by caregivers, usually called home care aides, who are trained to understand the details of senior care. , Consumer advocates - people or organizations who work on behalf of consumers, Credit Counselor - discusses and suggests actions to take to reduce spending and eliminate credit difficulties, Family Therapist - Marriage and family therapists help people manage and overcome problems with family and other relationships., Probation officer - a state or federal professional employee who reports to the courts and supervises defendants released on probation, sociologist - Studies the human social behavior and the development of human society.,
Human Service Career Cluster - Matching Game
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