春节 - Chinese New Year, 中国城 - Chinatown, 舞龙 - Dragon Dance, 舞狮 - Lion Dance, 年糕 - Rice Cake, 過年 - to celebrate the Lunar New Year, 除夕 - Lunar New Year's Eve, 包餃子 - to wrap dumpling, 全家 - the whole family, 年夜飯 - New Year's Eve dinner, 火鍋 - hot pot, 红包 - Red Envelope, 年年有余 - every year have leftover (money/foods), 恭喜发财 - wish you become rich, 新年快乐 - happy new year , 福 - luck, 穿新衣 - wear new clothes, 恭喜 - Congratulation, 鞭炮 - Firecracker, 大吉大利 - much good fortune and good luck,



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