INTRINSIC MOTIVATION - motivation comes from internal factors...behaviors performed because they bring personal satisfaction, EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION - motivation comes from external factors...behaviors performed to receive or avoid something from others (reward, punishment), INCENTIVE THEORY - same as EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION, OVERJUSTIFICATION EFFECT - when given extrinsic rewards for behavior that had been intrinsically motivated, extrinsic motivation will displace person’s internal motivation, DRIVE REDUCTION THEORY - motivation comes from homeostasis, HOMEOSTASIS - body tries to maintain physically stable internal state, SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM - involved in stress-related functions…prepares us for FIGHT OR FLIGHT, PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM - associated with day-to-day functions of body under relaxed conditions… rest and restore response, relaxing body after fight or flight, SCHACHTER-SINGER TWO-FACTOR THEORY OF EMOTION - emotion result of interaction of physiological arousal and cognitive appraisal (label) we use to explain our condition, HANS SELYE’S GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME (GAS) - body’s nonspecific physiological response to stress that develops in 3 progressive stages, ID - unconscious sexual and aggressive instincts and drives, SUPEREGO - our conscience...leads to feelings of pride or guilt, reflects social standards learned from parents and school, EGO - conscious thoughts...rational and practical, it tries to compromise between id and superego, SELF-EFFICACY - belief in your ability to successfully accomplish something, FIVE-FACTOR MODEL OF PERSONALITY (BIG FIVE) - people have five traits, each scored on continuum from high to low, YERKES-DODSON LAW - simple task best performed when arousal moderately high, complex task best performed when arousal moderately low , MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS - theory that organizes and ranks our needs into 5 categories... lower needs must be satisfied before higher needs, SELF-ACTUALIZATION - fulfill potential by being all you can be, SET-POINT THEORY - each person has genetically determined ideal body-fat level that is resistant to change, GENDER EXPRESSION - how one demonstrates their gender through dress and behaviors, FACIAL FEEDBACK HYPOTHESIS - facial expressions can influence our emotions, CULTURAL DISPLAY RULES - culturally specific rules for appropriate displays of emotion, COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS - part of a person’s unconscious that contains shared human archetypes, INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL - most of what happens to you is direct result of your efforts, EXTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL - most of what happens to you is outside your control…caused by other people or luck, SELF-CONCEPT - thoughts and feelings about yourself, MINNESOTA STUDY OF TWINS REARED APART - researchers found identical twins, whether raised together or apart, have very similar personalities, COLLECTIVIST CULTURES - Asia, Africa, South America value social harmony, respectfulness, and group needs over individual needs, PROJECTIVE TESTS - use images open to interpretation (inkblots, pictures of people) to determine personality, SELF-REPORT TESTS - objective tests used to assess personality,
P7 MESP Terms
11th Grade
12th Grade
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