Where is the bank? Indirect question: Do you know _________________? - Do you know where the bank is?, What time does the bank open? Indirect question: Could you tell me _________? - Could you tell me what time the bank opens?, How much are the cakes? Indirect questions: Do you know_____? - Do you know how much the cakes are?, Do they have any special offers? Indirect question: Do you know ________? - Do you know if they have any special offers?, Does she study English? Indirect question: Could you tell me _____? - Could you tell me if she studies English?, What time is it? Indirect question: Do you know________? - Do you know what time it is?, How far is it? Indirect question: Could you tell me _____? - Could you tell me how far it is?, Why did you move to Suzano? Indirect question: I'd like to know________ - I'd like to know why you moved to Suzano, When do you study English? Indirect question: Can you tell me_____? - Can you tell me when you study English?, How can I get to the post office? Indirect question: Could you tell _______? - Could you tell me how I can get to the post office?,
NS7 - U1B - Indirect questions
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