True: Korea is a multi-state nation, The practice of acquiring full or partial control over another country is colonialism, The absolute authority to govern oneself is known as sovereignty, An example of a nation state is Iceland or Japan, The Berlin Conference created many of the boundaries in Africa, A nation is a group of people with a shared history, political aspirations, and a desire for a homeland, Devolution is the transfer of power from a central government to local government, A geometric boundary is a boundary drawn by people, The boundaries of African countries are example of superimposed boundaries, NATO is a military alliance, Native American Reservations in the US are example of semiautonomous regions, A tariff is a tax on imports or exports, False: The correct order of zones from most control to least control is EEZ, contiguous, territorial, and open seas, The theory that political power based in the center of Eurasia could dominate the world is the Rimland Theory, An example of an enclave is Alaska, Centrifugal forces tend to unite a country, The breakup of a country along ethnic or nation lines is known as devolution, Irredentism is region 'sandwiched' between historically hostile countries, Uneven development is not a cause of devolution, A boundary cuts through the ground but not air space, A subsequent boundary was established before people occupied the area, The main purpose of the UN is economic, The first 200 miles of coastline (EEZ) provides exclusive economic and navigational sovereignty, Economic supranational organizations add tariffs to imports and exports,
AP Human Geography: Unit 4
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