Mandible - Jaw bone, Femur - Thigh Bone, Rib - Flat bone, Ulna - Long Bone, Vertebra - Irregular Bone, Metatarsal - Short Bone, List - Last name of person who killed his wife, mother, and children, Neal - Last name of person who killed his step-children, Smith - Last name of person who killed Donna Payant, Odontologist - Person who studies teeth in a forensic setting, Sex - One thing learned from a skeleton, Skull - Only bone to determine race, Teeth - Best to use to determine age of a child skeleton, Pelvis - Best bone to use to determine sex, Stature - Term to describe height, Fontanelle - Soft spot on a baby's skull, Sagittal - __________ sutures describe the fused joints on a skull, Wormian - _____ Bones are the cluster of bones at the back of the skull found in some people, Fusion - Line of _______ help to determine age of the person, Third - _____________ molar is the last tooth to erupt in humans, Deciduous - Term to describe a baby tooth, Richards - Last name of person exonerated partially due to bite mark evidence, Decomposition - Body Farm is a place where human _____ is studied, Bass - Last name of person who started the Body Farm, Knoxville - City where the Body Farm is located,
Forensic Anthropology Review
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