1) When do the Winter Olympics happen? a) Once every 3 years b) Once every 4 years c) Once every 5 years d) Once every 2 years 2) Who takes part in the Winter Olympics? a) The best athletes from around the world b) People who enjoy the sport from around the world c) People who want to try something new d) People who want some fun 3) Why were the Winter Olympics developed? a) Because people who enjoy sports in the cold should be included b) It is fair to have different seasons of sport c) To have an international sport that only takes place on ice and snow 4) Where were the first Winter Olympics held? a) Canada b) America c) Germany d) France e) South Korea 5) What year was the first Winter Olympics held? a) 1922 b) 1923 c) 1924 d) 1925 6) Why were 1940 and 1944 winter Olympics cancelled? a) The people were all ill at the same time b) There was a second world war c) No one wanted to host the Olympics d) There wasn't enough people to help 7) Which country has hosted the most times? a) Germany b) Russia c) Austria d) Japan e) France f) America 8) Where are the 2022 Olympic Games held this year? a) Beijing, China b) London, UK c) Calgary, Canada d) Paris, France 9) How many winter sports are there in the Olympic games? a) 12 b) 15 c) 16 d) 20 10) How many nations are competing this year? a) 80 nations b) 30 nations c) 40 nations d) 70 nations 11) Who have been elected to host the next Winter Olympics in 2026? a) China b) England c) France d) Italy e) America 12) What is the 2022 Winter Olympic mascot this year? a) A giraffe b) A ladybird c) A bird d) A panda e) A lion f) A bug 13) What is the luge sport? a) Sledging down an ice track on your back b) Running down a snowy slope c) Head first sledging down a track d) Snowboarding down a snowy hill 14) What is the skeleton sport? a) Sledging down with your back b) Ride head first and face down on a flat sled c) Snowboarding down a snowy hill d) Running down a snowy hill 15) Do you remember which British athlete won more than one gold medal? a) Stacey Smith b) Jordan Frost c) Lizzy Yarnold d) Jo Frost

Winter Olympics Quiz

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