acceleration - An increase or decrease in the speed of an object, or a change in its direction of motion, caused by a force, air resistance - Friction due to collision of moving object with air molecules also known as dra, alignment - Wheels are positioned so that the vehicle travels straigh, balanced forces - When forces act on an object such that they are in equal and opposite directions and "cancel out," they produce no net effect to change the object's motion (i.e., accelerate)- these forces are said to be balanced, balloon motor - A balloon with an attached piece of tubing that serves as a nozzle; is used to power a balloon-powered vehicle, chassis - The body of a vehicle to which the other vehicle parts are attached, friction - Rubbing between two surfaces causes energy loss, kinetic energy - The energy an object has due to its motion, nozzle - The piece of plastic tubing that controls the escape of the air from the balloon, pressure - The amount of force distributed over a given area, potential energy - Energy stored in an object, propulsion - A force that acts to speed up an object, unbalanced forces - Forces that are not in equal and opposite directions cancel each other out so that there is a net push or pull on an object, changing its current state of motio, force - a push or pull on an object, gravity - the force that pulls down, weight - is a measure of the gravitational force between earth and an object, speed - distance over time, velocity - speed in a given direction, Distance - The length of a path between two points, inertia - The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion (make it go straight),
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