1) Kelly's mom always used to _______ the best cookies. a) bake b) roast c) fry d) boil 2) Dad was __________ chicken in the back yard. a) grilling b) frying c) roasting d) boiling 3) Do you want your fish pan-fried or ________ ? a) broiled b) baked c) steamed d) roasted 4) Jacket potato is a kind of _____ potatoes.  a) steamed b) baked c) grilled d) fried 5) Nowadays, I _______ my own bread rather than buy it. a) roast b) grill c) steam d) bake 6) First, ______the garlic. Next, add the ginger. a) boil b) steam c) roast d) fry 7) We love to _______ outside and eat on the back porch in the summer. a) boil b) bake c) steam d) grill 8) _________ the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender. a) Grill b) Steam c) Roast d) Fry 9) Shall I ______ you an egg, or would you prefer boiled? a) grill b) roast c) fry d) steam 10) Leave the vegetables to _______ over the rice for the 20 minutes cooking time. a) steam b) boil c) fry d) bake 11) We had fried chicken and ________ potatoes for supper. a) boiled b) baked c) steamed d) mashed 12) It is healthier to grill or _________ your food than to fry it. a) steam b) roast c) broil d) bake 13) Swirl a little oil around the ________ pan. a) frying b) boiling c) steaming d) roasting 14) Just ______ the chicken in the oven and baste it in oil and lemon. a) bake b) roast c) fry d) grill 15) Mr. Jones has served the roast beef and _________ potatoes. a) boiled b) steamed c) mashed d) baked 16) ______ the lamb in a hot oven for 45 minutes. a) Steam b) Bake c) Roast d) Fry 17) _________ the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn. a) boil b) melt c) fry d) roast 18) Add two teaspoons of vanilla and ______ . a) stir b) mix c) melt d) shred 19) __________ (up) the onions and carrots roughly. a) Chop b) Pour c) Mash d) Stir 20) ______ the honey into the bowl and mix it thoroughly with the other ingredients. a) Stir b) Mix c) Pour d) Drain 21) Cut the lemon in half and _________ the juice into the bowl. a) stir b) squeeze c) pour d) mash 22) __________ the pasta thoroughly. a) Pour b) Drain c) Shred d) Mash 23) _______ some lettuce into the salad bowl. a) Squeeze b) Shred c) Peel d) Pour

U4 Methods and steps of cooking


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