Bank Tuesday - a time when President Roosevelt shut down the banks from March 6-13 in order to stabilize the banking system, Black Tuesday - October 24, 1929 - the day the stock market crashed marking the beginning of the Great Depression, Black Sunday - Sunday, April 14, 1936 - the day a huge dust storm engulfed much of the Midwest, deflation - a decrease in the general price level of goods and services, depression - a long-term downturn in economic activity, Dust Bowl - severe drought in the Midwest during the 1930's-turned the soil into dust causing crops to die and dust storms to occur, Hooverville - a shantytown where homeless people built shacks out of things like scrap wood, cardboard, and tar paper, inflation - an increase in the prices of goods and services, prohibition - a law that prevented the sale and manufacture of alcoholic beverages, recession - a time of decline in economic activity, Fireside Chats - a series of 30 radio addresses given by President Roosevelt, stock market - a place where stocks and bonds are traded and sold, jazz - a style of dance music popular in the 1920's, credit - a system of buying goods or services by charging the amount with payment due at a later time, unemployment - the condition of being without a job, mass media - forms of communication, such as newspapers and radio, that reach millions of people, flapper - young women of the 1920's that behaved and dressed in a radical fashion, fundamentalism - the interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth, nativism - a policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones, bootlegger - someone who makes or sells illegal liquor,
The Great Depression Vocabulary
5th Grade
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