Metaphor - A way of describing something by saying it is something else. For example, "You are my guardian angel!", Idiom - Phrases with a set meaning different from the literal meaning. For example, "It's raining cats and dogs.", Negative Language - Language that expresses a negative attitude of the speaker/writer towards the subject. For example, "It was an appalling experience.", Direct Address - Sounds as if the writer is speaking directly to the reader. For example, "You will never forget your day out in Cambridge.", Alliteration - Used in slogans to make them catchy and easy to remember. Words that are close together and begin with the same sound. For example, "Peter Piper Picked a Pack of Pickled Peppers.", Facts - Statements that can be proved. For example, "The market has at least 12 stalls every week.", Opinions - A personal viewpoint often presented as if fact. For example, "In my view, this is the best thing to have ever happened.", Rhetorical Question - Questions which have an obvious answer. For example, "Is it right footballers are paid such a vast sum of money?", Emotive Language - Language that is used to create a particular emotional response in the reader. For example, "Can you really abandon them to live in such dangerous conditions.", Statistics - Factual data used in a persuasive way. For example, "80% of people agreed this would change their community for the better.", The Rule of Three - When the writer uses a list of three words or phrases in their writing to emphasise a point they are making. For example, "The film was entertaining, engaging and touching.",
Language Features - MINDAFOREST
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Functional Skills English
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