1) Mr. King is a f_____mer a) er b) ar c) ir 2) My mommy is a n_____se. a) ur b) ir c) er 3) Our National B____d is called Amazona Guildingii.  a) ur b) or c) ir 4) I ordered for a sh___k and fries for lunch a) ar b) ur c) ir 5) We are going to ch____ch for Ole Years service. a) ar b) er c) ur 6) Max is having a b____thday party. a) ir b) er c) ar 7) We visited the Bequia T____tle Sanctuary. a) ar b) ur c) ir 8) I am afraid of sw____ds! a) er b) ur c) or 9) She plucked the chicken's feath___rs. a) or b) er c) ur 10) We like learning about different sp____rts a) or b) ur c) ar

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