Jordan is one of those people who sees the situation as a whole: if one of our products fails, it might not be just because people don't want it. There could be other reasons, such as the price, other versions of the same product already available, etc. - He sees the big picture., The biggest problem with Sam is that he seems unable to make a decision. When we're trying to solve a problem, he avoids getting involved or influencing anything. - He tends to sit on the fence., Chris can be a bit annoying, especially at staff meetings where he tends to dominate any discussion. He always wants to be noticed and talked about. - He likes being the centre of attention., Shannon is very ambitious. She pushes herself very hard and wants us all to do just the same. - She has high expectations., Ken is someone who is willing not only to work in different ways to achieve something, but also to consider suggestions from others. - He is flexible and open to new ideas., Ollie can always make us feel good about what we're doing, even if things aren't going very well. - She can boost the morale of the team., Carla is the least popular person in the office. When you first meet her, she seems quite nice, but gradually you realise that she likes to cause problems for people. - She's a troublemaker., You can always rely on Tony if there is a communication breakdown somewhere, or a rude customer to deal with on the phone. No matter how unpleasant the situation, he will sort it out. - He is willing to get his hands dirty.,
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