Do you play a musical instrument? If not, which one would you like to play?, What is your favorite musical instrument? (Why?), In your opinion, which instrument is the hardest to learn/play?, Do you go to concerts? If yes, what was the last concert you attended?, Do you like classical music? Do you have a favourite composer?, Who is the most famous composer from your country?, What is your favorite kind of music? When do you listen to it?, What kind of music do you absolutely hate? Why?, Who is your favourite musician? What instrument do they play? Why are they your favourite?, Can music help you study or work? If so, how?, When do you listen to music? Do you have a perfect place to listen to your favourite music?, Can you imagine a world without music? (Please, elaborate.), Have your musical tastes changed since you were younger? How?, Is music an important part of your culture?, Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in another language? Why?, Do you like singing karaoke? If yes, then which songs do you like singing? Do you sing alone?, What kind of music do you listen to when you need to cheer yourself up?, Do you think that music was better in the past? If so, which was your favourite era?, Who had the biggest influence on your musical taste? (e.g. your parents, friends), How do you listen to music today? And how did you use to do it in the past?, List 3 of your favorite songs ever., Do you like video clips? How do they change the experience of listening to a song?.
Talking About Music
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