1) ”The ramp groans under the heavy weight.” a) Alliteration b) Pesonification c) Simile 2) ”The back of the truck was a dark cave.” a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 3) Ryan ran right until he realized he was running round and round. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 4) ”I wear a snowy saddle of fur, the uniform of a silverback.” a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 5) ”My drawings seem pale and timid next to Julia’s.”  a) Alliteration b) personification c) Simile 6) ”Humans waste words. They toss them like banana peels and leave them to rot.”  a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 7) Garry grumpily gathered the garbage. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 8) The boy buzzed around as busy as a bee. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 9) Little Larry likes licking the sticky lollipop. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 10) He broke my heart. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 11) ”Her ears were flapping like palm leaves.” a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 12) ”Beyond the lots is a freeway where cars stampede without end.” a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Personification 13) ”They drifted past my domain like logs on a lazy river.” a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile 14) She's going through a rollercoaster of emotions. a) Alliteration b) Metaphor c) Simile

Literary Device (Alliteration, Metaphor, Simile and Personification)


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