speeding - the traffic offence of driving faster than the legal limit, kidnapping - the crime of taking somebody away illegally and keeping them as a prisoner, especially in order to get money or something else for returning them, manslaughter - the crime of killing somebody illegally but not deliberately, mugging - the crime of attacking somebody violently, or threatening to do so, in order to steal their money, especially in a public place, burglary - the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it, arson - the crime of deliberately setting fire to something, especially a building, vandalism - the crime of destroying or damaging something, especially public property, deliberately and for no good reason, hijacking - the use of violence or threats to take control of a vehicle, especially a plane, in order to force it to travel to a different place or to demand something from a government, fraud - the crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally, bank robbery - the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop/store, person, etc., especially using violence or threats, pickpocketing - the crime of stealing things out of people's pockets or bags, especially in a crowd, blackmail - the crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell somebody else a secret about them,
Crime Vocabulary
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