It might seem like something from a science fiction movie, but ____ today are working on ways to combine certain kinds of ____ with tiny robots. Scientists want to use these ____ to improve the way we administer ____. They claim that drug therapy, disease diagnosis, and even ____ could be greatly ____ by the use of nanobiotechnology. Nano- means "tiny" and bio- means "life." This tiny ____ will use living organisms in combination with electronics. Electronic makers already use tiny robots to build ____ but very tiny circuits. Medical ____ want to use these robots to repair ____ damaged organs or to direct ____ to affect specific cells. For example, tiny robots could be ____ to deliver chemotherapy directly to cancer ____ instead of to the entire ____. Existing electronics are the right size, but they lack ____ use. Robots that can be built small ____ to enter a person's cells would be too tiny to move on their ____. Therefore, scientists want to use tiny organisms such as ____ to act as vehicles for the robots. The bacteria will be "____" through the bloodstream by magnetic ____. Once the bacteria are in the correct ____, the robots will be able to do their jobs. In theory, these ____ will cause less ____ to the body than traditional methods of ____ medicines or performing surgeries. Nanobiotechnology has yet to be put into ____, but many people already have ____ about its use. Some people worry about the ____ involved with manipulating live organisms--and the possible side ____ for their human hosts.

5.30.24- Bacteria Robots


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