My sister has a new car. But she doesn't like ____. He has two sons . He plays football with ____. Our friends give ____ some chocolate. I am sad. Please don't talk to ____. You are very smart . She likes ____. Clara and I are at home now. ____ are playing game at home. Susan is a secretary. ____ is good at working. Mathew is 47 years old. ____ is so young. The books on the shelf are thick. ____ are very heavy. How old are ____ ?____ am 25 years old. Tom and Tim are twins.____ are 12 years old. My mother's name is Anna. ____ is a nurse. Where is my key? I can't see ____. Peter and I are friend. ____ like to play volleyball. My parents are not at home. ____ are at work.

F&F4 Personal pronoun (subject and object pronoun)


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