1) ecosystem a) community of all the living things in an area and the environment in which they live b) where people live c) where a city is located on  2) food chain a) a series of plants and animals, each of which depends on the one below it for food. A food chain usually forms part of a much larger food web. b) where animals eat humans c) where animals live 3) freshwater a) made up of water that is fresh, not salty. This term is also used to describe creatures that live in fresh water, such as freshwater fish. b) this is salt water c) where fresh and salt water meet 4) glacier a) glacier large mass of ice found near Earth’s poles (continental glacier) or in a high, cold mountain valley (alpine glacier) b) BIG PIECE OF ICE c) MOVING ICE ON THE SIDE WALK 5) invasive species a) nonnative plants and animals that invade an ecosystem b) Animals that live there c) animals that live on ice

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