haiku - one stanza, 3 lines (5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively) , meter - pattern of syllables that gives a lone of poetry a predictable rhythm, stanza - a group of lines forming a unit in a poem, poet - the person who writes a poem; the author, rhyme scheme - the pattern of end-line rhyming in a poem, limerick - a humorous poem, rhyme scheme of AABBA, often used in nursery rhymes, lyric - short poetry with a rhyme scheme that expresses feelings, repetition - the recurrence of a word through a piece of poetry, sonnet - poem with 14 lines of lyrical poetry in 1 stanza, narrative - verse poetry that tells a story, usually long and several stanzas, refrain - the recurrence of a line throughout a piece of poetry, alliteration - the repetition of the beginning consonant sound in a line of poetry, free verse - poetry that has no fixed pattern of meter, rhyme scheme, or set stanzas, couplet - 2 lines in a poem that rhyme, quatrain - 4 lines that rhyme with a pattern in one stanza, ocatave - 8 lines in a stanza, Iambic pentameter - 10 syllables in each line, five pairs of alternating unstressed & stressed syllables, simile - comparison of two unlike things using like or as, metaphor - direct comparison made WITHOUT using like or as, personification - giving human qualities to something/some place that is not human, imagery - using the 5 senses to help readers visualize , mood - how the poem makes the reader feel, tone - the attitude of the speaker in a poem, onomatopoeia - sound words, cinquain - a short poem consisting of five, usually unrhymed lines containing, respectively, two, four, six, eight, and two syllables,
Poetry Vocabulary (Martino/Kempf)
8th Grade
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