What is the difference between the scene and stage?, What do actors usually do during the interval?, Where can you buy tickets for the perfomance?, Where do actors put on their clothes and wear make-up?, Do you prefer to watch the performance in the gallery or stalls? Why?, What do you call the actor who plays the main part?, What do you call the whole team that takes part in starring in a film?, Is it a good idea to cram the words for your part? Have you ever had to do it?, What do you call a final revision of performance, when all actors are wearing heavy make-up and are fully dressed?, What do you call the equipment for a scene in a play or movie? What to do if you forgot to take it on the stage?, When the audience claps and calls you back on the stage at the end of the performance, it is called..., What is a leaflet? Do you collect them?, What is the main difficulty in dubbing the movies?, Are there any superstitions about acting? Do you believe in them?, What scenes in the movie do you find skippable? Why? Do you ever skip them?, Why do you think actors can seem miscast in movies? Can you avoid it?, Do you always have chemistry with your stage partner? How to create it?, Do you watch the movies if somebody spoils them for you?.

Theatre and acting

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