salary - A fixed regular payment paid to an employee for time worked., utilities - The basic home services (water, electricity, etc.), wage - A set amount you are paid for every hour that you work; also called hourly pay, wants - Expenses that help you live more comfortably, surplus - When your income exceeds your expenses and you have money leftover, variable expense - A cost that appears irregularly or that changes in amount (e.g., utility bills), pay yourself first - A strategy where you save a specified amount of your paycheck before doing anything with the rest of your money, net pay - Total earnings after payroll taxes and other deductions have been taken out; also called take-home pay, needs - Expenses that are essential for you to be able to live and function, income - Money that is received from work, investments, business, etc., gross pay - Total earnings before any deductions are taken, fixed expense - Costs or payments that are the same every month., expenses - Items or services you pay for such as rent, groceries, entertainment, bills, etc., deficit - When your expenses exceed your income, deduction - Any items subtracted from your paycheck, including state and federal income taxes, Social Security, health insurance or 401(k) contributions, cost of living - The amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living, including basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare, Cash Envelope Budget - A budgeting method where money for monthly spending is taken out in cash and placed in labeled envelopes according to budget categories., budget - A plan of your expected income and how you will use it to meet your expected expenses over a period of time, 50/30/20 Budget - A budgeting method that allocates 50% to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment, freelancer - An individual who earns money on a per-job or per-task basis, usually for short-term work.,
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