Is the United Kingdom situated on an island or a continent?, What territory does Nothern Ireland occupy?, How many parts does Great Britain consist of?, What are the names of 3 parts of Great Britain?, Where is England situated?, Where is Wales situated?, Where is Scotland situated?, What do you know about London?, What makes the climate of Great Britain mild?, What is the highest mountain?, What is the most famous river?, What is the most beautiful lake?, What is the capital of the UK?, The head of the UK is a president, isn't it?, The symbol of England is..., St patron of Wales is..., St patron og England is..., What is the capital of Wales?, What is the capital of Scotland?, What's the name of flag of the UK?, Who is the head of the UK?, What's the symbol of Wales?, What is the name of Scotish poet?, What 's the name of a skirt that men wear in Scotland?.
The UK Quiz
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