What place would you like to visit? , What is your favorite food that someone in your family has made? , What is your favorite summer activity? , What sport would you like to try? Why? , Tell one thing you are excited about this weekend? , Tell a way that a person can show kindness. , What is an activity you can do on the playground? , If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose? , What do you do to make yourself feel better when you are sad? , What is your favorite holiday? Why? , Where would you go to have the perfect birthday party?, Where is the farthest place you have traveled? , Should school be year round? Why or why not? , Should school be four longer days instead of five? Why or why not? , If you find $20 what should you do? , What would be a fun field trip? , What is one thing you like to do everyday? , What is one thing you have to do everyday? , Would you rather work with a partner or by yourself? , What do you wish your school allowed? , What is the most amazing thing about your... (Choose a family member), If you built a robot, what would you do with it? , If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? Why? , Describe a book setting that you would like to become part of. What is the name of the book? , What would you do as king or queen? , Why is it important to say please and thank you? , What kind thing your teacher has done for you or your class? , Would you rather live in a tree house or a cave? , Would you rather control fire or water? , Would you rather have a flying carpet or a car that can drive underwater? , Would you rather live at the beach or in a cabin in the woods? , Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the ability to fly? , Would you rather give up tv/movies or playing games for a week? , What is something about our class that makes you happy? , Tell about a time you helped a friend. , Tell about a time a friend helped you. , If you could change one thing about our class, what would it be? , How do you show cooperation in our class? , How do you show cooperation in your family? , If you were teacher for the day, what is one activity you would do? , If you were teacher for the day, what is one rule you would make? , If you had one kind of dessert to eat for a year what would it be? , What is something that scares you? .
Morning meeting questions
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