1) Erik was born with a rare eye disease. a) Fact b) Opinion 2) Erik was angry about losing his sight. a) Fact b) Opinion 3) Erik was without sight by the time he was 13 years old. a) Fact b) Opinion 4) It wasn't always easy. a) Fact b) Opinion 5) The partner had forgotten his helmet light. a) Fact b) Opinion 6) He loved the feel of the wind and the rock under his hands. a) Fact b) Opinion 7) The Seven Summits are the highest peaks on the seven continents.  a) Fact b) Opinion 8) Erik is a great athlete.  a) Fact b) Opinion 9) Erik has made an adventure movie. a) Fact b) Opinion 10) Erik proved he could lead other climbers. a) Fact b) Opinion 11) Erik proved he could lead other climbers. a) Fact b) Opinion

Lesson 28 Becoming Anything He Wants to Be - Fact and Opinion


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