Interphase - The phase of the cell cycle where the cell grows and replicates its DNA., Prophase - The phase of mitosis where the chromosomes become visible as a pair of sister chromatids joined at the centromere., Metaphase - The stage in mitosis where chromosomes line up on the equator of the spindle., Anaphase - The stage in mitosis when the newly separated chromatids are pulled towards opposite poles of the cell., Telophase - The final phase of mitosis, wher two nuclear envelopes form around the two new nuclei, G1 - The stage of interphase where the cell is metabolically active and producing all it needs to gow., S - The stage of interphase where replication of DNA takes place., G2 - The stage of interphase where the mitochondria and chloroplasts divide., Cytokinesis - The division of the cell following nuclear division to form two new cells, involving the cleavage of the cytoplasm., Cell plate - The region in a dividing plant cell where vesicles assemble to produce a new cell wall., Centromere - The region of a chromosome where two sister chromatids are joined together, and where the spindle fibre attaches during cell division., Meristems - The tip of the stem and the roots of plants where mitosis is occuring., 2n - The DNA content of a newly formed cell., 4n - The DNA content of a cell at the end of S phase., Centriole - Bundles of protein which forms spindle fibres., Chromatid - One-half of two identical copies of a replicated chromosome.,

Mitosis and cell cycle match up

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