Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?, Does it drive you mad when waiters ignore you?, What are some things or events that make you feel happy?, If you're feeling down, how can you make yourself feel better?, What is the best way to deal with feelings of anger?, Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?, Are you a moody person?, How do you behave when you are under stress? Is it easy to keep a cool head?, What do you think about men and women who hug or kiss in public?, "Money can't buy happiness". What do you think of this? Do you agree or disagree?, Describe a time when you were angry or worried. Did you express your feelings?, Do you tend to lose your temper very often?, Does food affect our mood?, How often do you complain? And what do you complain about?, How do you recharge your batteries when you are worn out?, What puts you in a good mood?.
Feelings and emotions. Discussion
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